Electronics & Microsoldering training for security researchers & reversers
The goal of this very practical training is to empower software security researchers with low-cost hardware reversing skills and open the doors to an entire new playground of embedded devices & IoT analysis and hardware vulnerabilities hunting.
The first day focuses on some modern electronics basics: MCUs, UART, SPI, I2C but also how to design your own PCB with Kicad, etch it and finally how to reverse a PCB, identify components, observe with an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer, locate data busses, UARTs, etc.
The second day focuses on microsoldering skills to spy on EEPROM/MCUs: learn how to tap PCB tracks with 0.1mm microwires (don’t worry, we provide microscopes) to sniff busses and get access to hidden UARTs or JTAGs. But also learn how to deal with BGA components, desolder them, reball them, design ad-hoc PCB adapters and be able to dump and tamper with EEPROMs content and alike.
You’ll get plenty of time to practice under our supervision and to learn our tips & tricks.
A steady hand, but no need for prior knowledge in electronics.
A laptop with Kicad pre-installed (http://kicad-pcb.org/).