Please head over to to read the original invitation and agenda.
Accompanying the TROOPERS IT-Security Conference & Workshops the first deliverables of the ASMONIA research group takes place in the same venue. Register for the free event, get in contact with the people in charge or learn more about the agenda of this one-day workshop.
ASMONIA is an acronym for the german title of the project which is Angriffsanalyse und Schutzkonzepte für MObilfunkbasierte Netzinfrastrukturen BMBF Logounterstützt durch kooperativen InformationsAustausch (Attack analysis and Security concepts for MObile Network infrastructures, supported by collaborative Information exchAnge). ASMONIA aims to improve the resilience and reliability of current and future mobile networks and their backbone infrastructure.
In the name of the project consortium, you are kindly invited to the ASMONIA Workshop in Heidelberg (Germany) on March 29th, 2011. The participation is free and requires prior registration.
The workshop will inform you about the project and ongoing related research. Additionally to project born results, external talks and presentations will complement the workshop to stimulate discussion.
We would be pleased if you could let us know in advance about your attendance. For our logistics, please inform us latest by March 21st, if you attend the workshop by registering here.
Peter Schoo (Technical coordination)
Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT
Parkring 4
85748 Garching n. Munich
T: +49 89 322 9986-121
Reinhard Schlinkmann (Project coordination)
Nokia Siemens Networks
St. Martinstr. 53
81541 Munich
T: +49 89 5159 29428
Enno Rey (Local organizer, Host of TROOPERS)
Breslauer Str. 28
69124 Heidelberg
T: +49 174 3082 474
Protecting telecommunication networks and applications from attacks requires the implementation of a multitude of previously established technical and organizational countermeasures. This is due to the complex interplay between different technical components, end devices, protocols, servers, and tools found in access networks. It further relates to the need for collaboration between different administrative domains, such as network operators, manufacturers, service providers, government authorities, and users of these telecommunication services and applications.