Security Compliance Audit Automation (SCA, TeleManagementForum TMF528)

March 20, 2012 (at 11:45 a.m.)

Today, Service Providers are in need of comprehensive information relevant to effective security management. Service Providers have to evaluate and verify the compliance of their infrastructure and services to corporate security directives and legal guidelines. This includes being able to retrace OSS Operators’ behavior on OSS systems via standardized log messages. But to answer all necessary security compliance questions, log data alone appears not to be sufficient. Service Providers need configuration data and telemetry data centralized at hand without manual, time-consuming OSS Operator activity. Even interactive polling of their devices is not sufficient because Service Providers must track down changes in the environment and the effective date/period. The talk is about what to solve this problem.

Christian Kagerhuber

Christian is a Senior Security Expert at Deutsche Telekom (DT), responsible for the security of DT’s NGOSS system (called NGSSM) and BNG/SCRAT project. He build up T-Online’s Identity Management and CERT and is the author of various Deutsche Telekom security standards, e.g. on platform virtualisation and SSH.