
TROOPERS18 will be the 11th TROOPERS!

Speakers from 25+ countries
Over 3,000 attendees in
10 years
Featured TROOPERS Trainings
Served over 20.000l of Mate
Raised over 35.000€ for charity


  • Two days of high end trainings and hands on experience on Monday and Tuesday.
  • Two days three tracks conference on Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Round tables to discuss current IT-Security topics on Friday.
  • Socializing with attendees and speakers – TROOPERS is all about building close relationships between IT-Security practioners of all kinds!
  • All meals and refreshments provided during the conference and workshops are included in the registration fee, including our shared dinner on Wednesday night.
  • A lot of fun!

Two Days Packed with Great Talks

Attack and Research

This track features technical presentations on latest research and attack techniques on conference day 1 & 2. Be prepared to enjoy exclusive content from the hacker community.

Defense & Management

This track features presentations on defense and management techniques on conference day 1 & 2. Enjoy great presentations on infosec management topics and learn how to prepare for todays threats.

SAP Security

In 2014, we introduced something new. A special track covering a dedicated topic on the first conference day. In 2018 we will have SAP security again because your feedback was amazing and because we also believe that this topic matters and will contribute in making the world a safer place.

Active Directory

We are proud to announce that for TROOPERS18 we will feature a special "Active Directory" track on Thursday March 15th.

Social Events

TROOPERS18 Partners and Supporters

The follwoing organizations are proudly supporting the 10th anniversary of TROOPERS. The complete team already thanks them to help make TROOPERS18 an amazing and unforgettable event and to set a new standard in "how to make the world a safer place". Cheers for the "Best Year Ever"!