Microsoft IT (secure) journey to IPv6-only

Microsoft IT Network team is going IPv6-only, it has to happen quickly and securely. Foreseeable private IPv4 runout, addressing conflicts during M&A and the ultimate goal of running a simpler network is what drives this efforts.

Microsoft IT Network team is going IPv6-only. We foresee the end of private IPv4 and already suffer the impact of having no large address blocks to provide for our internal businesses. M&A are very difficult and operating dual-stack network is complex as well as prone to errors (btw NAT is still present in dual-stack environment). The solution is IPv6-only network and network services. At the same time, our security team must maintain the capability to secure and operate in this new reality, and take into consideration new security challenges that come along with IPv6. This talk will cover all the above mentioned areas and explain our approach to solving the related problems.

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